Saturday, August 22, 2020

8 Classic Storm Poems

8 Classic Storm Poems Writers love turbulent climate. The forces of the regular world uncovered in a storm can be stunning, frightening and damaging, yet they are likewise sensational, elating, and figuratively rich-an ideal wellspring of graceful motivation. Here we’ve chose a couple of great sonnets depicting or motivated by storms. Adjust yourself to the common devastation outside by understanding them while you’re securely shielding inside from a tempest, maybe, or declaim them to the sky outside after the tempest has passed. William Shakespeare, Storm discourse on the heath from King Lear (1623)William Cullen Bryant, â€Å"The Hurricane† (1854)Walt Whitman, â€Å"Proud Music of the Storm† (from Leaves of Grass, 1900 edition)Algernon Charles Swinburne, â€Å"A Channel Passage† (1904)Amy Lowell, â€Å"Storm-Racked† (1914)Robert Frost, â€Å"A Line-Storm Song† (1915)Siegfried Sassoon, â€Å"Storm and Sunlight† (1918)Jean Toomer, â€Å"Storm Ending† (1922)

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